Serving The Community Since 1999


“Non-profits are the catalysts for change, illuminating the path of hope and opportunity for those in need.”

Our Story

In 1995 Mr. Ibrahim Rustam was selected as a climbing member from the Alpine Club of Pakistan to climb the highest peak of the world: Mount Everest. In Nepal he visited a climbing school providing training for the local youth in mountain climbing techniques and other subjects related to mountain tourism.

Inspired by this initiative, mr. Ibrahim Rustam had the idea to replicate the climbing school in his own village. Four of the most prominent local personalities, (i.e. Shamshair Ali, Akhon Ibrahim, Rustam Ali) appreciated his idea and In 1997 they established a climbing school named “Green Mountain School Machulo” and registered with the Government of Pakistan.

Felix Foundation
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Current Status

Flex Foundation has worked on various projects in the past, including education, health, women empowerment, food, and others. However, after COVID-19, our funding stopped due to the global pandemic, and now we are limited to three projects currently.

Our Projects


Our Mission

The FFB is a non profit organization, to improve the welfare of the people of the Hushe Valley, leading our community to a Human, Sustainable and Participatory development. We aim to work in partnership with international organizations, government organizations and local organizations, to build local capacity and develop assessment and evaluation procedures in order to improve practices and identify what works and why.